Hello, my name is Melina, and I am in love with Essential Oils! My experiences with essential oils began back in November 2014 and it wasn't exactly the "best" start. I had been dealing with some issues sleeping and was hoping to find a natural sleeping aid. When I turned to the internet (ah, my good friend Google!) I found a lot of information regarding essential oils and the therapeutic qualities they held. I immediately contacted a friend of mine and ordered through her a cheap brand of essential oils.
I was thrilled! They smelt SO nice and I was excited to see how it helped my insomnia.
Unfortunately, though the oils themselves smelt good, there was no change in my sleep that week.
A couple weeks went by without much hope in the essential oil's effectiveness, when a friend of mine who distributed Young Living essential oils, came to my city to teach a class on them. Wanting to be supportive, (and of course curious to know what all the fuss was about) I decided to go. She spoke so intelligently and passionately about essential oils and the incredible properties they possess, I felt myself being drawn in. It was as though she was holding an elixir of life, beautiful and powerful! The only thing that kept me from ripping it out of her hands and yelling "MY PRECIOUS!" was all the notes I was taking!
When it came time to asking questions, I brought out the oils I had purchased and asked her what she thought of them. We went through each one, smelling and comparing it to the Young living oils, and I was shocked! The cheap lavender I once thought smelt so good, smelt like diluted flowers and orange peel in comparison to the concentrated purity of the lavender oil Young Living had. The cheap lemon oil barely smelt citrus-ey in comparison to the Young Livings Lemon oil. This went on and on, and needless to say, I wasn't happy that I had spent money on a product that wasn't worth the purchase.
In a later post I will explain more the chemistry of Essential oils and why the cheap brand was so different than Young Living's.
So after the class, I decided to purchase the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and to become a member! When my kit arrived and I started using the essential oils, I was quite nervous that I might have wasted my money yet again. But as you will read in the posts to come, it was definitely not a waste! It is now ten months later and I can honestly say I use my oils every day! So if you are holding back from purchasing the higher quality oils because of the price difference, remember my story. It might be cheaper from the health food store, but does that mean you're getting the quality desired?
Look forward to sharing my stories with you all! Comment below if you have any questions!
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